Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Energy dowsing rods are used in feng shui to locate chi energy. Dowsing rods can be used as divination tools (often referred to as divining rods) to assist a feng shui practitioner in locating and determining the kind of chi energy in your home. In addition, these rods are used to locate underground springs as well as areas known as stress pockets.

What the Energy Dowsing Rods look like
The rods are made of a thin metal, usually brass or copper, and are L-shaped.

What can Energy Dowsing Rods can detect
Everything has an energy field surrounding it and the advent of quantum physics proves their existence. These unseen energy fields can interfere with your life.
  1. Radio waves
  2. Power line disturbances
  3. Various wireless electronic devices and signals
  4. Cell phone tower and other microwave energy interference
  5. Geopathic stress pockets: These collect energy beneath the earth.
  6. Curry lines (discovered by Dr. Manfred Curry and Dr. Whitman): Carry electrical currents in an earth grid, running diagonally, Northwest to Southeast and from Northeast to Southwest. Man made electricity interferes with these lines and creates a negative result.
  7. Hartman Lines first to discover natural electrical lines in earth. Lines run North to South and East to West. Man made electricity can create negative energy along these lines. Both Hartman and Curry lines are also known as ley lines.
  8. Individuals in home: Everyone has an electrical field, if those fields of energy are not compatible, it can cause conflict and disharmony in the family.
How to use the Energy Dowsing Rods
The dowser holds the short L portion of the rods very loosely in his or her hands so the long ends of the rods point outward, away from the dowser. As the dowser walks over energy fields, the rods will either cross over each other or move out from each other. These are indications of energy fields. Whenever the rods spread out, away from each other, it indicates a change in the energy field. Negative energy causes the rods to separate from each other and move in an outward direction. This is very similar to how negative sides of magnets repel each other. Positive energy draws the rods together. An experienced feng shui practitioner maps out and corrects the negative energy in your how with the use of dowsing rods.

Why everyone cannot dowse effectively
Not everyone can dowse. This is because a dowser uses the rods to create a link between his or her own energy field and other energy fields. In order to achieve this connection, the dowser uses both sides of his or her brain equally. This brain balancing act is vital in order to use the rods properly and can be achieved through yoga and meditation.

How to learn dowsing
If you wish to learn how to dowse, you need to do a few things before jumping into the process. You'll want to prepare and understand what you're doing before striking out with rods in hands.
Step One: Select Your Rods
You'll want to select a pair of rods that you feel good holding. This is a very personal choice since the energy field surrounding your body and spinning within your chakras will resonate to certain rods. Brass is a favorite choice among dowsers, although copper is a close second choice.
  • Brass Dowsing Rods
  • Copper Rods Wrapped with Tie Dyed
  • Dan Dowsing Rods with Quartz Crystals
Step Two: Feel the Energy
You'll need to practice holding the rods. Your first reaction may be typical with the tendency to grip the rods too tightly. The level of touch is something you'll have to learn and practice. If you hold the rods too tightly, they won't move properly, if at all. You need to hold the rods tight enough to provide balance and support, but loose enough to move freely with the fluctuations of energy.

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